The Winner is…
The winner of the Penn 20 VISX for the first tuna over 200 on bait should have been Tom Dow but was disqualified for catching his 201#er without a connected fishing reel.
The story goes like this…
Tom was fishing a sardine during another rapid fire kite sequence when he hooked a nice fish. He battled over an hour and found himself on the stern pulling with all he had against his first 200#er. Little did we know of Tom’s strength as we told him to pull and he pulled the reel completely off the rod. Roy calmly walked over and said give me that and don’t let the screws go down the scupper. After reattaching, the battle went on and concluded with Tom’s personal best, a 201#er. Congrats, Tom!
The other story of redemption was Spencer “Vice Grip” Young who held on (this time) to land a personal best 208#er.
Super fun day that concluded with filet mignon.
Ghost Writer out
Shout Outs
Vlade says his father Bosko
Handy says hi to his lovely wife Corinne and family. He appreciates all you do to allow him to experience this.