
Nice day with QUALITY fish hitting the deck. Three fish over 200, John Yamate 202, Bill Golder 212 and Big Man Stan Kanow with the trip best (so far) 270#’s (Stan elected for a 2nd personal best shower).

The tuna ranged from 120-180 pounds and we scratched throughout the day. We trolled for wahoo between tuna anchor jobs and had some decent action. Hoping for more tomorrow.

Wish us luck as Captain Roy “Tuna Whisperer” Rose guides us to more QUALITY!

Ghostwriter out

Shout outs:

Stan: Hi Carol & Mark! Searching for a 284 now!

Spencer: Thank you Elise, Torin & Shay for the once in a lifetime trip (for the 3rd year in a row)

Jeff: Hi Lyra (sorry, he’s a man of few words)


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